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In the Company of Prophets: Reflections on Joshua, Judges, Samuel & Kings


Author : kopress

Moshe Sokolow is a master craftsman of Bible study and teaching. This brief, yet brimming, volume shows just what riches his loving, learned virtuosity can bring. Each of these studies is a model of textual care, literary dexterity and theological concern, enlightening in its own right and a model of what living, breathing Bible study and instruction look like and feel.
– Yehudah Mirsky, Professor, Near Eastern and Judaic Studies, Brandeis University

Dr. Sokolow weaves themes found in the Torah and prophets, mimicking the format of the Haftorahs. This allows for a deeper understanding of both the Torah and the Navi. – Rabbi Eliezer Barany

The books of the Early Prophets (“Nevi’im Rishonim”) speak of our national and political history and destiny. These biblical books relate the deeds and decisions of Joshua, Samuel, David, Nathan, Elijah, and Elisha. In these biblical books, we learn about our leaders’ objectives, conflicts, triumphs, and occasional shortcomings. We are enriched when we learn to extract and distill the moral, ethical, and religious messages embedded in their actions.

The three principal manners in which those messages are sought have been labeled as historical-philological, traditional-exegetical, and literary-critical. All three have been utilized in these reflections, in order to provide diversity in interpretation, and an appeal to the broadest possible audience. This methodology is rooted in a conviction that it is only through the amalgamation of all three that the enduring value of Nevi’im Rishonim can be transmitted.

This volume is based on articles written as part of the 929 English cycle of study.

Moshe Sokolow is a master craftsman of Bible study and teaching. This brief, yet brimming, volume shows just what riches his loving, learned virtuosity can bring. Each of these studies is a model of textual care, literary dexterity and theological concern, enlightening in its own right and a model of what living, breathing Bible study and instruction look like and feel. - Yehudah Mirsky, Professor, Near Eastern and Judaic Studies, Brandeis University Dr. Sokolow weaves themes found in the Torah and prophets, mimicking the format of the Haftorahs. This allows for a deeper understanding of both the Torah and the Navi. - Rabbi Eliezer Barany

The books of the Early Prophets (“Nevi’im Rishonim”) speak of our national and political history and destiny. These biblical books relate the deeds and decisions of Joshua, Samuel, David, Nathan, Elijah, and Elisha. In these biblical books, we learn about our leaders’ objectives, conflicts, triumphs, and occasional shortcomings. We are enriched when we learn to extract and distill the moral, ethical, and religious messages embedded in their actions.

The three principal manners in which those messages are sought have been labeled as historical-philological, traditional-exegetical, and literary-critical. All three have been utilized in these reflections, in order to provide diversity in interpretation, and an appeal to the broadest possible audience. This methodology is rooted in a conviction that it is only through the amalgamation of all three that the enduring value of Nevi’im Rishonim can be transmitted.

This volume is based on articles written as part of the 929 English cycle of study.
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